PostgreSQL with some SpringBoot

One more post, you will see something about databases, springboot, java, xml, h2, flyway for h2 to postgreSQL migration, securize a little bit in postgreSQL and that’s it, more of the same.

Migrating Script de h2 to PostgreSQL

  1. Step 1 Enabling flyway from pom.xml

  2. Step 2 formatting the file for correct flyway versioning

Properties for h2

### spring config
    url: jdbc:h2:mem:db (1)
    username: test
    password: test
1 db: is the name of our database.

Dependencies for our pom.xml

I’m already with a spring parent and therefore the version inherits it, that’s why the <version> tag is not present.


In this springboot version 3.3.6 the h2 console must be enabled in our security, to be able to access it at least in development.
public WebSecurityCustomizer ignoringCustomizer() {
    return (web) -> web.ignoring().requestMatchers("/h2-console/**");

From the UI when we connect we can do this

  1. Clearly before accessing the UI, we must have all our entities created in java for the h2, and with compatibility tal cual para que puedan crearse ahi.

  2. Then, when accessing, we will be able to visualize all the tables etc.

SCRIPT TO 'dump.sql' (1)
1 This will create a file named dump.sql inside the project directory, no need to copy and paste 😚

h2 dump sql

  1. Renamed to V1__init.sql

  2. This will be recognized by Flyway in the src/main/resources/db/migration

convension migration

The docker compose file

We need to have postgresql up at least locally, or use testcontainer.

    image: 'postgres:latest'
      - 'POSTGRES_DB=mydatabase'
      - 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret'
      - 'POSTGRES_USER=myuser'
      - '5432:5432'

Reconfiguring Springboot properties

Flyway must take care of the database structure, so it is important to disable Hibernate’s auto-creation.

### spring config
    defer-datasource-initialization: true
    show-sql: true
    generate-ddl: false (1)
        ddl-auto: none (2)
        format_sql: true
  #Config Flyway
    enabled: true
    baseline-on-migrate: true
    out-of-order: true
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase
    username: myuser
    password: secret
    driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver (3)
1 deactivated.
2 deactivated.
3 This property is supposed to be optional.

This prevents Hibernate from trying to modify the database before Flyway does its work.

Updating the pom.xml

With these postgresql and flyway driver dependencies

    <groupId>com.h2database</groupId> (1)
    </dependency> -->

<!-- -->
    <version>11.3.0</version> (2)

    <artifactId>flyway-database-postgresql</artifactId> (3)

1 Commented h2 dependency.
2 Important to have it to avoid errors like Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unsupported Database: PostgreSQL 17.2.
3 Also important.

Possible error at startup, with jpa and flyway

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Failed to initialize dependency 'flyway' of LoadTimeWeaverAware bean 'entityManagerFactory': Error creating bean with name 'flyway' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/flyway/FlywayAutoConfiguration$FlywayConfiguration.class]: Circular depends-on relationship between 'flyway' and 'entityManagerFactory'

Most probably we have postponed the initialization of the Datasource in our properties file, we must have it like this, with false:

  • defer-datasource-initialization: false

Case with existing db and data

The configuration when we have existing data in the db, and we do not want to touch any of our data, we must change the properties for example:

  schema: nuestro-schema
  baseline-on-migrate: true
  baseline-version: 0
  clean-disabled: true
  validate-on-migrate: false

Also create a file, in db.migration for example: V1.1__baseline.sql with this:

-- Baseline migration - existing structure

When we start flyway it will version this script, in the public schema of our db.

SELECT * FROM flyway_schema_history;
installed_rank|version|description|type|script            |checksum  |installed_by|installed_on           |execution_time|success|
             1|1.1    |baseline   |SQL |V1.1__baseline.sql|-385248959|admin       |fecha                  |             6|true   |

For the future we can create new migrations following the Flyway naming convention:

We should be careful with this:
  • Always backup first.

  • Test migrations in a dockerized development environment first


  • Let’s document the changes at least, we shouldn’t be so lazy.

Some IDE configurations

If we update the user’s .bashrc file with environment variables, we must restart the IDE so that the variables are refreshed correctly, otherwise they will point to incorrect versions.

Local spring profile

If we have several profiles we must be attentive to load the correct profile, local I some other.

  • For local from the IDE, we can use here:

images spring profile local

Therefore, in the console we should see the following:

2025-02-10T20:30:14.347+01:00  INFO 1228306 --- [  restartedMain] c.x.x.Application   : The following 1 profile is active: "local" (1)
1 The local profile, application-local.yml loaded correctly.

Successfully loading the IDE .bashrc

It is important to make sure that our ide loads the .bashrc correctly where we have the environment variables set as in the image, it is very useful.

/bin/bash --login

load bashrc from intellIIdea

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/bin/bash -i -c "/home/rubn/Downloads/jdk-ide/idea/bin/idea" %f (1)
1 Here we force the interactive mode loading with the -i parameter

Every change in this file requires a restart with source .bashrc or the file where we have these properties.

Instaling PostgreSQL FreeBSD

Postgresql elephant

The wiki in our friend PostgreSQL/Setup

A bit of postgres with springboot for security

Security is usually important, we always use for the test the postgres version 15, for them we quickly enable a jail with bastille using the template for example this one

Applying it to the existing jail called postgresql

bastille template TARGET yaazkal/bastille-postgres (1)
1 TARGET is the name of our jail

Only with localhost access localhost

Yes, I have just enabled to use psql from the server itself with this line in the pg_hba.conf file

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     trust (1)
1 The other lines for recommendation better be with scram-sha-256 for trust or MD5

Migrating passwords to SCRAM

Review this

The postgresql.conf file needs to be updated with the following line

# - Authentication -

#authentication_timeout = 1min          # 1s-600s
password_encryption = scram-sha-256     # scram-sha-256 or md5 (1)
1 Here you can uncomment and use scram-sha-256
SELECT rolname, rolpassword ~ '^SCRAM-SHA-256\$' AS has_upgraded
FROM pg_authid
WHERE rolcanlogin;
 rolname  | has_upgraded
 postgres |
 admin    | t (1)
(2 rows)
1 Indicates true, which is already updated

It is possible that in order to authenticate from our java client with spring you may have some problems such as

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "admin"
$ psql
psql (14.15)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password admin (1)
Enter new password for user "admin":
1 Using password the correct update of the passwords is done. 🔥
ALTER ROLE admin WITH PASSWORD 'pass'; (1)
1 This is not recommended for the update, besides leaving a trace in the history.

To restart db

service postgresql reload

The command \du

Allows us to see the roles with their attributes

postgres=# \du
                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
 admin     | Create DB                                                  | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Importing schemas

To do this we can use the command

psql -U \ (1)
admin -d \ (2)
ott -a -f /var/db/postgres/ott-schema.sql (3)
1 PostgreSQL in interactive mode, with the -U user parameter.
2 The -d command for the ott database.
3 The -a command prints all the lines, and -f is the path where the postgres user has read permissions, needed to import the .sql.

Encoding for password

If we use by default the JdbcUserDetailsManager bean for the InMemoryUserDetailsManager bean, we will use the JdbcUserDetailsManager bean for the InMemoryUserDetailsManager bean.

public JdbcUserDetailsManager jdbcUserDetailsManager(DataSource dataSource) {
    return new JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource);

We must add a default encoder at least

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Given that there is no default password encoder configured, each password must have a password encoding prefix. Please either prefix this password with '{noop}' or set a default password encoder in `DelegatingPasswordEncoder`.

In the default hash of spring security is a SHA-256

username|password                                                                        |enabled|
boby    |843b103f6c09de407d366f8ff6553691767a35dbaf870cad47e86945c4103be85ee8ea49509b9502|true   |
chispa    |a94f80ed1a6677dedb489a6912e6c83a7c2a7ada2c4d739dd4a4ab9e454d3d875134fa4480b19c55|true   |

We update by adding a hash template

UPDATE users SET password = '{sha256}' || password;
username|password                                                                                |enabled|
boby    |{sha256}843b103f6c09de407d366f8ff6553691767a35dbaf870cad47e86945c4103be85ee8ea49509b9502|true   |
chispa  |{sha256}a94f80ed1a6677dedb489a6912e6c83a7c2a7ada2c4d739dd4a4ab9e454d3d875134fa4480b19c55|true   |

If we apply this other bean and log into the spring security login the password encoder will be changed to bcrypt in the background.

public UserDetailsPasswordService userDetailsPasswordService(UserDetailsManager userDetailsManager) {
    return (user, newPassword) -> {
        var updated = User.withUserDetails(user)
        return updated;

Migration under background to bcrypt.

username|password                                                                                |enabled|
boby    |{sha256}843b103f6c09de407d366f8ff6553691767a35dbaf870cad47e86945c4103be85ee8ea49509b9502|true   |
chispa  |{bcrypt}$2a$10$dMqSFw875ZLvpsADb24XDezNMacIYqC4bIUkbb24QOLYE3pmlZInS                    |true   |

Already that bcrypt tells us that it was a successful update.

Secrets from the vault with TLS

As we have already configured our vault with SSL/TLS we can bring the secrets using certificate to authenticate us.

At the moment when trying to do it from spring we have the following, in our property file

### spring config

### Vault
    import: vault://
      uri: ${URL_VAULT} (1)
      token: ${INITIAL_ROOT_TOKEN} (2)
        enabled: true
        backend: app
        application-name: nombre-app
        key-store: classpath:/cert/vault-cert.p12  # O file:/ruta/completa/mi-certificado.p12
        key-store-password: pass # La passphrase de nuestro certificado
        key-store-type: PKCS12
1 Url of the vault, in https
2 The initial root token
org.springframework.vault.VaultException: Status 400 Bad Request [path/secreto]: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server. (1)
1 Attempt to connect secrets via normal http, without certificate, the server rejects us when bringing us the secrets.

As we already have our customer certificate .p12 we must use it to authenticate for example with keytool to import the ca:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias vault-ca -file ca-cert.crt -keystore vault-truststore.jks
Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes (1)
Certificate was added to keystore
1 We write yes

We should have generated the vault-truststore.jks then, now to test the connection

Now we add trust-store properties to the src/main/resources/cert for quick testing.

FYI Sobre file
  1. file, classpath act differently, file is for the absolute path can read files from the system if we place it, classpath does not.

  2. Apparently it is more flexible and allows the app to make changes without recompiling.

  3. Certificates or configurations may change in production.

  4. When files are large and you don’t want to increase the JAR size.

  5. When we need different files for different environments (development, production, etc.)

  key-store: file:src/main/resources/cert/vault-cert.p12  # O file:/ruta/completa/mi-certificado.p12
  key-store-password: pass # The passphrase of our certificate
  key-store-type: PKCS12
  # Trust store to validate the server certificate
  trust-store: file:src/main/resources/cert/vault-truststore.jks
  trust-store-password: pass (2)
  trust-store-type: JKS
1 For the sake of brevity and safety we will use file, also this classpath when we will use the final .jar of PROD.
2 The password entered when executing the keytool command.

The spring configuration for mapping of secrets

We already have the secrets available in our vault, now we can map them to our Java object, via @ConfigurationProperties.

Explicitly in the vault, I have a secret followed by a dot . to use it with the spring bean to make mapping easier.

mapping secret vault to java configuration properties

@ConfigurationProperties("secret") (1)
public class SecretsConfiguration {

    private String chispita;

1 Indicating that, in the vault would be secret.chispita with the value of the secret.