Lan rápida con Link aggregation Aug 14, 2022
Virtual threads with Project Loom 🔥 May 18, 2022
Containerizing Jellyfin in a Jail Apr 3, 2022
Log4Shell a christmas gift 🎅🏼 jojojojojo Dec 26, 2021

It really has been a great Christmas 🎁 for many people, I think even more for the developer of the dependency itself, ejje yes, the one who introduced the vulnerability without realizing, hence, many people question, that despite being an open-source project, it is not the same as always being audited.

miniDLNA con XigmaNAS y otras configuraciones Oct 25, 2021

Mis primeros inicios en la informática por allá, 2009, en esos tiempos cuando ni una dirección IP sabiamos que era, cuando ni prender una pc, eso era una hasaña, y aún, porque siempre seremos novatos, de mis primeras versiones FreeNAS muy poco conocido, su hijo(fork) XigmaNAS antes llamado Nas4FREE, este por intereses de sus desarrolladores (lo más seguro es que sea lo típico) money, política, una parte tendrá licenciamiento.

Basic power electronics Oct 10, 2021

In the beginning.

In the post on the creation of a web application to interact with the arduino, in the end it was better to go for a wifi module of the ESP family thanks to it uncoupling with the pc, the opposite being a nuisance most of the time.

Plotting using NodeMCU ESP8285 Jun 4, 2021

After Flashear Esp8266, fucK AT-commands it would be interesting to give it another use than just turning on or off a simple led.

How about plotting temperature and humidity with it? as well as any other sensor that reacts to these environmental changes.

Stop local server May 4, 2021
Actualizando filas de grid con push y broadcaster singleton Mar 28, 2021
Kriya yoga one of the techniques for better living Mar 24, 2021

I thought that many people had no knowledge of this technique but I see that yes, because it allows us a better life to be somewhat brief, but like everything in this life requires small changes that start from our interior, discipline, contentment, diligent vigilance of the mind, without them this would be one more technique, one of those that remain in oblivion.
