Docker run without root Nov 19, 2020 ...
Mockito basic use and more Nov 15, 2020 To do TDD it is very important to have a framework like mockito, JUnit, to test behaviors and results without the need to test the code in broad strokes. TDD is writing the tests first before writing a line of production code, writing the tests that test the production code, although it could be difficult to do if you don’t have code to compile, so you should write the minimum for a happy compilation. ...
Word frequency with the stream api Oct 25, 2020 A simple example where the java Stream api is used, to extract the words and count the number of repetitions, for this we use a function to eliminate the characters in this case will be, [.,!] and spacing character only one so " " plus the Strings that are empty so "", that we must filter. private String normalize(final String word) { return word.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[\\.\\,\\!]", ""); (1) } 1 The regular expression I came up with is this [\\. ...
Flashing esp8266 fu-K at-commands Oct 12, 2020

It never entered my head, keeping that coupling with arduino via USB, it prevented me to explore remote area with sensors, also that the api JSSC de Alexey Sokolov is no longer maintained, only a fork that I see quite active people and it is here jSerialComm.

Servidor web asíncrono con el módulo ESP8266 Oct 12, 2020 ...
Unbrick Esp8266 Blinking led blue Oct 12, 2020 ...
Instrumentation with ByteBuddy executing premain method Oct 6, 2020

With instrumentation we can do things with the bytecode before and after it is uploaded to the JVM, here I have 3 simple classes, a pathetic JFrame with an X=10; that can represent from the life of a player or any other type of variable in any java application (desktop, web app etc) with this technique we can modify that value.

ShutUp and Squat 🏋️ ️ Sep 11, 2020 ...
Analyzing old stub.dll of Trojan RAT fruits Pineapple version Jun 8, 2019 It all started one of those times when I was bored as usual, and I ran a .jar apparently any, but not really, it was a server of adwind (a programmer that I thought was quite talented) year 2017 or so in November. Well, how do I know that? first I tried to decompile it in other absurd ways like for example, con CFF Explorer, without any result, since it does not contain runPE, as I found out later. ...
PoC led web with Vaadin 8 Feb 3, 2019

Summary beginnings

This is an old version that I programmed in 2016 inspired by a post from security by default (post that without it would not be here I can swear).
